Single Leg Half Guard Sweep By Vincent Colcol
Today we are going to see a half guard sweep by Vincent Colcol. He received his black belt from Mike Cusi. I just completed a seminar at his Stronghold Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Eastlake, San Diego, which is a Cobrinha affiliate. The half guard is a good position to attack your opponent. There are many sweeps, […]
How To Get Out Of The One Leg X-Guard
Today we are going to see how to get out of the one leg x-guard by Isaque Bahiense. He is 21 years old and the new promising star from Alliance in Sao Paulo. He recently received his black belt from Fabio Gurgel. Last year he won the Worlds as a brown belt in the middleweight […]
A Sneaky BJJ Choke vs Over Under Pass By Jason Eames
In one of my seminars in February, I met Jason Eames. Jason is a black belt from Andre Galvao, he lives in Philadelfia and he has his own school there. For this blog post I asked him to show us a very sneaky BJJ choke that he was trying against me during the entire roll. […]
The Hobby Student Who Taps Everybody With The Anaconda Choke
Let me set the scene for you. Imagine you are a hobby student , who just does BJJ for fun. You train probably 2 or 3 times per week, you dont have any specific diet, any physical conditioning, and Jiu-Jitsu for you is just a hobby. Also imagine that you train at one school that […]
The Armbar From The North/South Choke by Paul Schreiner
The Armbar From The North/South Choke by Paul Schreiner One of the most technical and knowledgeable guys I know in BJJ is Paul Schreiner. Years ago, Paul made many trips to Brazil to train at Gracie Barra. During those years, Gracie Barra was in their prime-time, when all the big names were there such as […]
The Collar Choke From Closed Guard by Chris Derr
Last December I gave a seminar at Chris Derr school, in Tulsa Oklahoma. Chris is a Black Belt from Jean Jacques Machado, who is a legend in our sport. So I asked Chris to show me one of his favorite moves that he learned from Jean Jacques. He showed me an awesome choke from the […]