Last December I gave a seminar at Chris Derr school, in Tulsa Oklahoma. Chris is a Black Belt from Jean Jacques Machado, who is a legend in our sport.
So I asked Chris to show me one of his favorite moves that he learned from Jean Jacques. He showed me an awesome choke from the Closed Guard, it is one of the most basic chokes, but done in a way that I never saw before. It’s a very cool set up to get the choke hand very deep in the collar.
Jean Jacques Machado, became very famous in Jiu-Jitsu because of the fact that he only had 1 finger (the thumb) on one hand and even with this deficiency, he became one of the greatest legends in the sport, winning the ADCC, and beating other legends like Leo Vieira, Ricardo Cachorrinho, Marcio Pe de Pano and others.
Believe it or not, even having only one finger, he became very famous about his incredible chokes.
Chris Derr, was able to learn one of Jean Jacques favorite chokes, the Collar Choke From Closed Guard, and he showed us a very cool detail to to be able to place the hand very deep when we try to apply this technique.
Definitely worth checking out.
I hope you guys enjoy it.
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