The Keys To Developing A Complete Passing Game
Today, I want to talk about the keys to developing a complete passing game. In my opinion, the most important thing to develop a complete passing game, is to train with different styles of guards every day. It is common to see someone training at a school and he’s always training with the same people. They play the same guards, maybe […]
An Easy and Effective Sweep From Open Guard by Leonardo Machado
An Easy and Effective Sweep From Open Guard by Leonardo Machado (Video In The Blog Post) When I use to live in my hometown I always used to train with Leonardo Machado. I started Jiu-Jitsu in 2001 and he started in 2003, so we trained together for a very long time in my hometown Juiz […]
From Z-Guard To Deep Half-Guard To Over-Under Pass by Misael Miranda
From Z-Guard To Deep Half-Guard to Over-Under Pass by Misael Miranda (Instructional Video In The Blog Post) I love deep half guard, because I always feel that the sweeps from there are easy and simple to do. Its not the type of game that you need to be flexible, fast, or athletic. When you are […]
The Counter Attack For The Over-Under Pass by Diego Gamonal
The Counter Attack For The Over-Under Pass by Diego Gamonal (Video In The Blog Post) If you are familiar with the Over-Under Pass and you use it often, you might have realized that many people use one counter for the Over-Under Pass, that works pretty much like a trap, they let you pass the guard, […]
Understanding the Berimbolo By Gianni Grippo
Understanding the Berimbolo By Gianni Grippo (Instructional Video In The Blog Post) If there is a technique that nowadays all the new generation of BJJ fighters are playing, its the Berimbolo. All the young guys, specially the lighter weights have been playing it a lot. Whether or not you play the berimbolo is up to […]
The Best Mindset for BJJ Training
There is one detail that I started implementing in my training around 2 or 3 years ago, that helped me a lot to improve my results in competitions. Honestly its not a technique detail, its more like a way of thinking and behaving during the rolls in the gym. For a long time in my […]