meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Killing the Knee Shield by Yuri Simoes

Today I am here with Yuri Simoes.  This guy is one of the toughest in the world in my opinion.  I have competed against him and it was one of my toughest matches I ever had.  It is a huge pleasure for me to be here with him and I’m excited to share some of […]

How Long It Takes To Get The Black Belt In Jiu Jitsu

Guys today I am going to talk to you about one thing I always hear people talking about a lot.  This is something I hear especially when people just start Jiu Jitsu. They start doing Jiu Jitsu thinking about how long is it going to take to get a black belt. Today I want to […]

The Counter Attack For The Over-Under Pass by Diego Gamonal

The Counter Attack For The Over-Under Pass by Diego Gamonal (Video In The Blog Post) If you are familiar with the Over-Under Pass and you use it often, you might have realized that many people use one counter for the Over-Under Pass, that works pretty much like a trap, they let you pass the guard, […]

The Ideal Game For “The Old Grappler”

The ideal Game For The “Old Grappler”: Last year (2015), in one of my seminars, a student attending the seminar came to me and said: “Hey Bernardo, I love your game, because it is really good for guys getting old like me…” he was in his 40’s. He went on to explain that because he […]

The Ideal Game For "The Old Grappler"

The ideal Game For The “Old Grappler”: Last year (2015), in one of my seminars, a student attending the seminar came to me and said: “Hey Bernardo, I love your game, because it is really good for guys getting old like me…” he was in his 40’s. He went on to explain that because he […]

Pressure Passing Breakdown

I decided to have this Pressure Passing breakdown made, to help to show what my techniques, concepts and approach to pressure passing is. I believe that using pressure to pass the guard is the best approach to pass all types of guards. By using continuous force and remaining in contact to the guard player, I […]
