meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

What to Eat on Tournament Day (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Tournaments)

Toady I am going to talk about one question that I receive all the time.  Many times when I do seminars, teach class, go to tournaments and receive messages people are asking me what they should eat on the day of the tournament.  It is the most important day! So guys, to be honest, on […]

How I Developed My Half Guard In Jiu Jitsu

Today I am going to answer another question that so many people ask me when I am doing seminars, on the messages, and when I train with them.  The question that a lot of people ask me is, how did I develop my half guard game?  This is something almost everyone that trains ask me […]

Can You Learn Jiu Jitsu Watching Videos

Guys, today I am going to talk about a subject that people are always asking me questions about on the messages, at the seminars, and when I train with them.  The question that many people ask me is, can you learn Jiu Jitsu from watching videos?  Like instructional DVD’s, YouTube videos, and all the other […]

5 Tips To Improve Your Half Guard by Me & Tom Deblass

Today I am here with Tom DeBlass, this is a huge pleasure for me to be here with Tom.  We are here at my new school, The Bernardo Faria Academy in Bedford, MA, the Boston area.  Tom is here filming some new techniques for his new instructional DVD that will be coming out where Tom […]

5 Tips To Improve Your Half Guard by Me & Tom Deblass

Today I am here with Tom DeBlass, this is a huge pleasure for me to be here with Tom.  We are here at my new school, The Bernardo Faria Academy in Bedford, MA, the Boston area.  Tom is here filming some new techniques for his new instructional DVD that will be coming out where Tom […]
