The Keys To Developing A Complete Passing Game
Today, I want to talk about the keys to developing a complete passing game. In my opinion, the most important thing to develop a complete passing game, is to train with different styles of guards every day. It is common to see someone training at a school and he’s always training with the same people. They play the same guards, maybe […]
Understanding the Berimbolo By Gianni Grippo
Understanding the Berimbolo By Gianni Grippo (Instructional Video In The Blog Post) If there is a technique that nowadays all the new generation of BJJ fighters are playing, its the Berimbolo. All the young guys, specially the lighter weights have been playing it a lot. Whether or not you play the berimbolo is up to […]
The Best Mindset for BJJ Training
There is one detail that I started implementing in my training around 2 or 3 years ago, that helped me a lot to improve my results in competitions. Honestly its not a technique detail, its more like a way of thinking and behaving during the rolls in the gym. For a long time in my […]
The Armbar From The North/South Choke by Paul Schreiner
The Armbar From The North/South Choke by Paul Schreiner One of the most technical and knowledgeable guys I know in BJJ is Paul Schreiner. Years ago, Paul made many trips to Brazil to train at Gracie Barra. During those years, Gracie Barra was in their prime-time, when all the big names were there such as […]
How To Defend The Double Leg by 3x All American Hudson Taylor
One day last year (2016), I was training Wrestling at The Edge in Hoboken, New Jersey. My coach, Jeff Marsh asked me: “Hey, Bernardo, have you ever trained with him? If not, then get ready, because Hudson was one of the best Wrestlers ever in University, where he holds the record for the most “Pins.” […]
The Best Crucifix by Marcelo Garcia’s Black Belt Joel Burgess
If there is one position that when I see someone getting it and finishing with it that I love to see, it’s the Crucifix. The Crucifix in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful techniques in BJJ. That’s probably one more reason that makes everyone love watching Marcelo compete. Marcelo completely mastered this technique, […]