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The Dynamic Pin In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu by John Danaher

Today I am here with someone who does not even need an introduction, the great John Danaher.  I think almost everyone who does bjj or any martial art these days knows who he is and today he is going to show us some dynamic pinning.

How To Do The Perfect BJJ Side Control Escape by John Danaher

Guys today I am here with the great John Danaher.  John is the most popular bjj instructor in the entire world and it is always an honor for me to share the mat with him.  He is the most knowledgeable person I have ever met for Jiu Jitsu.  Today he shows us how to escape […]

Tremendous Pressure From Side Control by Carlos Farias

Today I am here with Carlos Farias and he is a master world champion at black belt and he also competes with a lot of success at the adult divisions.  Carlos is 44 years old and he  is always winning the adult divisions.  One thing that I love about Carlos is that he plays a […]

How To Escape Side Control Against A Larger Opponent by Fabio Gurgel

Guys today I am here with some one who is very special and important to me, my master and mentor, Fabio Gurgel.  Fabio is one of the most important people in my bjj career and he is a very high level guy who has won the Black Belt World Championships multiple times.  Fabio is the […]

Invisible Choke From Side Control by Tom Oberhue

Guys I am here today with Tom Oberhue, he started Jiu Jitsu back in 93 here in the Portland area.  Tom got his black belt in 2005 by Chris Haueter.  I just finished a seminar here ate his school in Portland and Tom has been a Ribeiro Brother affiliate with Xande and Saulo for over […]
