meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

The Kneebarges by Gabriel Arges

Today I am here with Gabriel Arges.  He is one of the toughest guys of the new generation and it is a huge pleasure for me! He is only 24 years old and he is already a two time Black Belt World Champion.  He is a black belt under Romulo Barral, a multiple time Black […]

Knee Bar from Knee Shield by Gabriel Procopio

Today I am here with Gabriel Procopio. He is from my home town and was always one of my main training partners.  I started in 2001 and he started in 2002 and he was always one belt behind me.  When I was a blue belt he was a white belt, when I was purple he […]

From Closed Guard to Knee Bar by Eduardo Montandon

Today I am here with Eduardo Montondon, I just had the pleasure of doing a seminar in his school. Today I asked him to show us one of his best positions. This is one of Eduardo’s favorite techniques and its really cool guys.  He starts it from the closed guard and makes it look like […]
