meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

From Z-Guard To Deep Half-Guard To Over-Under Pass by Misael Miranda

From Z-Guard To Deep Half-Guard to Over-Under Pass by Misael Miranda (Instructional Video In The Blog Post) I love deep half guard, because I always feel that the sweeps from there are easy and simple to do. Its not the type of game that you need to be flexible, fast, or athletic. When you are […]

Half-Guard -> Back Take -> Choke by Matheus Diniz

When I first decided to move to NYC full time to teach and train at Marcelo Garcia’s Academy, I was a little unsure on how the training would be because there was not many black belts training at Marcelo’s academy yet. I mentioned my concern to a friend who had spent some time in NYC […]

Half-Guard -> Back Take -> Choke by Matheus Diniz

When I first decided to move to NYC full time to teach and train at Marcelo Garcia’s Academy, I was a little unsure on how the training would be because there was not many black belts training at Marcelo’s academy yet. I mentioned my concern to a friend who had spent some time in NYC […]
