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Crazy Armlocks From Side Control By Sean “Cubby” Peters

Today I am here with Sean Peters “Cubby”, who is going to show us some crazy armlocks from side control. He trains at Will Grundhauser’s academy, which is my first affiliate school located in Billings, Montana. He got his black belt at the age of 19, he started training jiu-jitsu at the age of 12. He got 2nd […]

Crazy Armlocks From Side Control By Sean "Cubby" Peters

Today I am here with Sean Peters “Cubby”, who is going to show us some crazy armlocks from side control. He trains at Will Grundhauser’s academy, which is my first affiliate school located in Billings, Montana. He got his black belt at the age of 19, he started training jiu-jitsu at the age of 12. He got 2nd […]

Did You Deserve The Belt Promotion?

Today, I want to talk about a question I hear a lot and that is, did you deserve the belt promotion? Many times after belt promotion ceremonies, I hear students questioning whether they deserved the new belt. Usually, it happens with the students who don’t have as much confidence or maybe they are shy. They […]

Darce Choke From Knee On Belly By Chris Lyon

Today I am here with Chris Lyon. Chris is going to show us his darce choke from knee on belly. In my opinion, Chris has the best darce choke I have ever seen. Chris trains at Marcelo Garcia’s academy, and he is a brown belt. He is not a professional grappler, he trains jiu-jitsu more […]

How To Improve Your Cardio When You Can Only Train BJJ 2x Per Week

Today, I am going to talk about how to improve your cardio when you can only train bjj 2x per week. This question was sent to me on my blog by Mark Horten from England. This is a great question, thank you Mark for the question. I previously made a video about how to improve […]

The Over-Under Pass By Jimmy Pedro

It’s a huge pleasure to be here with Jimmy Pedro. Today, Jimmy is going to show us his best pass, the over-under pass. Jimmy is the best competitor in U.S. history and the best judo coach in U.S. history. He is very famous for his grip fighting and his ground game. The over-under pass is […]
