The Ideal Game For “The Old Grappler”
The ideal Game For The “Old Grappler”: Last year (2015), in one of my seminars, a student attending the seminar came to me and said: “Hey Bernardo, I love your game, because it is really good for guys getting old like me…” he was in his 40’s. He went on to explain that because he […]
How To Prevent Injuries in BJJ
In this video below Im taking about how to prevent injuries in BJJ. Injuries can be one of the most annoying things in BJJ. Time off the mats takes away from our ability to improve our skills. Perhaps, we even could miss championships or not have the time to properly prepare. I share some of […]
How To Visit BJJ Schools When Traveling
How To Visit BJJ Schools When Traveling If you are constantly traveling, you do not have to miss out on training Jiu-Jitsu. No matter where you travel to, there is probably a BJJ school nearby. You can use the fact that BJJ is so popular to your advantage to get good training in while away […]
One Of The Most Important Things in BJJ: Game Planning
An overlooked aspect of Jiu Jitsu that is not thought about enough is the game planning. Game planning is a way to ensure victory in competition. By setting up a good game plan, you can have a clearer path to winning in Jiu Jitsu. When you have a game plan, you have to make sure […]
Better For BJJ: Wrestling or Judo?
A topic that people tend to ask me is what style of grappling works well to help their Jiu-Jitsu. The two that always come up are Wrestling and Judo. Both are important and work well with Jiu-Jitsu, making for a complete game with standing grappling and ground grappling. But which is right for you? It […]
How To Counter A Younger Opponent
Many times at seminars, the older guys that train Jiu Jitsu always seem to ask me how to beat the younger guys on the mats. Some of the older guys have a difficult time dealing with the speed, flexibility and the athleticism of the youthful Jiu Jitsu students. In a nutshell, there is something simple […]