meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

The Most Dangerous Position In BJJ

In your opinion what is the most dangerous technique in BJJ? Well, I bet many people would say heel hook, knee bar, some crazy takedown, or something like that. But there is one specific position in Jiu-Jitsu, that I never see too many people talking about and thankfully IBJJF made it illegal. In my opinion […]

The Armdrag Trap From Butterfly Guard

One of my favorite techniques in no-gi is the Armdrag. I love to do armdrags from the standing and also from the ground. For this blog post I made a video showing how to do the armdrag from the butterfly. Even though the butterfly guard is not my favorite position, I believe that for no-gi, […]

5 Tips to Avoid Berimbolo, 50/50 and Scrambles

Is there anything more annoying in Jiu-Jitsu than competing or training against someone that you know you are “better” than, but you end up getting caught by the modern techniques and he goes to your back, or maybe stales the game, or maybe beats you by 1 advantage? Yes, since these new techniques have come […]

The “Last Chance Sweep” From Half-Guard

There is one sweep that I use from Half-Guard that I call “The Last Chance Sweep”. I call it this, because it is really the last chance, because you will get it, or your opponent will pass. It happens, when your opponent is trying to do the knee cut, and you didn’t get to control […]
