meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

How To Fold Your Gi

It’s a pretty simple topic, but despite seeming a little silly, it can be very useful. If you properly know how to fold your gi, you always have room to place your Gi in your bag when you are traveling.  When I lived in Brazil, I would fold my Gi this way and not even […]

In BJJ There Is No Right Or Wrong

If there is one thing that I have learned in my Jiu-Jitsu Journey, is that in BJJ there is no right or wrong. Many times we hear people saying – “Don’t do this, its wrong”. The truth is that there is no right or wrong, if the position is working well for that person, this […]

The Biggest Mistake In The Hip Escape

The Hip Escape is one of the core movements of BJJ. It is something that can be taught on your first day in BJJ and you will do up until your last training as an old Black Belt! It may seem very simple but, in fact it is one of the principle movements of BJJ […]

How To Visit BJJ Schools When Traveling

How To Visit BJJ Schools When Traveling If you are constantly traveling, you do not have to miss out on training Jiu-Jitsu. No matter where you travel to, there is probably a BJJ school nearby. You can use the fact that BJJ is so popular to your advantage to get good training in while away […]

The Importance of the Closed Guard

The closed guard is one of the most important positions in all of Jiu Jitsu. When I started Jiu Jitsu many years ago as a white belt, the closed guard is where I would go to beat others on the mats. I was able to succeed in building my Jiu Jitsu all based off of […]
