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Today we are going to see a half-guard sweep going to the back by UFC veteran Tim Credeur. He is a black belt under Rodrigo Medeiros and a veteran UFC fighter.
I just completed a seminar here at his Gladiator’s Academy in Lafayette, Louisiana. He is going to show us one of his favorite sweeps from half-guard. He pretends he is going to sweep one way but he ends up going to the back.
Let’s see how he does it.
He starts playing half-guard with a knee shield. He makes sure he has a collar grip on his opponent. This prevents his opponent from smashing him. However, sometimes when he tries to make the collar grip his opponent postures up and breaks the grip. When this happens, he goes right away to grabbing his opponent’s gi near his wrist. His other hand grabs the gi behind his opponent’s elbow. He now has 2 on 1 arm control. This makes it very hard for his opponent to smash his half-guard knee shield.
Then he does the John Wayne sweep with his right leg. He puts his right foot on the mat and he uses his right knee in his opponent’s thigh to sweep him to the other side. When his opponent compensates for the sweep, Tim takes his back.
Now he makes a collar grip with his right hand. He controls his opponent’s hip with his other hand. He posts his left foot to hip escape and pull his opponent’s hip to his hip.
Once his opponent falls to the mat, Tim uses his left hand to make a lapel grip. To finish the submission, he pulls his right elbow to the mat.
This position works really well, I like it a lot. I do something very similar from half-guard. I like to do the 2 on 1 on my opponent and go straight to the single leg. The way Tim does it is very interesting to me because it’s what I do going to the single leg. The only difference is that Tim starts the sweep and when his opponent reacts he takes the back.
I knew this half-guard position but I didn’t know this combination. One thing cool about jiu-jitsu is sometimes you don’t learn the technique but you learn the sequence.

Here is the breakdown of the key points for a half-guard sweep going to the back by UFC veteran Tim Credeur:

  1. He starts in half-guard with a knee shield. When he attempts a collar grip his opponent postures and breaks the grip.
  2. He goes straight to the 2 on 1 arm control.
  3. Now he attempts the John Wayne sweep and when his opponent reacts Tim goes to his back.
  4. Tim gets a collar grip and he controls his opponent’s hip with his other hand.
  5. He posts his foot, hip escapes, and pulls his opponent’s hip to his hip.
  6. To finish the choke, he grips his opponent’s lapel and pulls one elbow back onto the mat.

I hope you all enjoyed this half-guard sweep going to the back by UFC veteran Tim Credeur. Oss.
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