Effective Shoulder Trap From Jiu Jitsu Closed Guard by Waldo Zapata
Today I am here with Waldo Zapata. Waldo has been a black belt since 2006 and he is one of the European Pioneers of BJJ and super excited to have him on. Today he is going to show us a shoulder lock from closed guard.
The Carni Shoulder Lock From BJJ Z Guard by Richie “Boogeyman” Martinez
Today I am here with Richie Martinez and Geo Martinez. They are some of my favorite athletes to watch. they are super entertaining and world class bjj black belts. Today Richie is going to show us his “carni” lock. It is one amazing shoulder lock. Let’s see below.
Hand Trap Submission From The Back by Julio Binda
Today I am here with Julio Binda. Julio is a very good black belt and a friend of mine. He has helped us with some of the DVD filming for BJJ Fanatics and it is a pleasure to have him on my YouTube channel. Today he is going to show us one of his favorite […]