Knee Slice Pass vs Butterfly Guard by Youssef Drihmi
Today I am here with Youssef Drihmi. He is a brown belt under Marcelo Garcia and when I used to train and teach there in NYC I always trained with him. We are here at my Academy in Bedford, MA and today I was lucky to have 12 guys from Marcelo’s school in NYC come […]
Killing the Spider Guard by Matheus Gonzaga
Guys today I am here with my good friend Matheus Gonzaga. Matheus is one of the team members at my new academy The Bernardo Faria Academy in Bedford, MA. Matheus won the worlds at adult as a purple belt at one of the toughest weight categories in the world, light feather. Purple belt is one […]
How To Smash The Half Guard Straight To The Mount By Andre Guedes
Today I am here with Andre Guenes in Brasilia because I just made a seminar. Andre is going to show us one of his favorite moves that is a pass from the top half guard. He just showed me and I know this position very well, it is very annoying when someone gets on top […]
Should You Practice Your Guard Game Or Passing Game More?
Today, I am going to talk about a very common question people ask me a lot. The question is, should you practice your guard or passing game more? It’s a great question because everybody has their own styles, some prefer passing and some prefer the guard game. If I had to choose one to focus […]