How To Attack And Counter Attack From No Gi Open Guard by John Danaher
Today I am here again with the great John Danaher and he is going to show us some amazing ways to attack from the no gi open guard. Let’s see below.
The Perfect Way To Understand The No Gi (Grappling) Open Guard by John Danaher
Today I am here with someone who does not need an introduction, the great John Danaher. John has been on my channel many times but today he is going to show something everyone asks him about, the open guard no gi. Let’s see below.
Overview Of The Supine Guard (BJJ Open Guard) by Gordon Ryan
Today I am here with someone who I have had on my channel a bunch and someone who needs no introduction Gordon Ryan. Gordon is an ADCC champion, absolute, and weight and one of the most famous guys in the grappling community. He just made a whole new instructional on the open guard supine position […]
Hidden Details In The BJJ Tripod Sweep (Open Guard) That You Have Never Seen Before by Gordon Ryan
Guys today I am here with none other than Gordon Ryan. Gordon is someone that needs no introduction. He just released his new series all about the open guard supine position and I wanted him to show us some very high level details to the tripod sweep. So let’s see below:
The Most Basic Principles Of Butterfly And Open Guard by Gordon Ryan
Today I am here again with someone I think everyone knows, multiple time ADCC champion Gordon Ryan. Gordon is here to show us some principles of the open guard. Gordon is filming his Open Guard series and we are super excited about it! Let’s see below!
Concepts About Open Guard by Priit Mihkelson From BJJ Globetrotters
Guys today I have an awesome guest for you, I am here with one of the main instructors for the bjj globe trotters, Priit Mhkelson. BJJ Globe Trotters for those of you who don’t know have over 130 academies affiliated with them around the world and it is an organization that helps people who are […]