How To Do The Best Reverse De La Riva Sweep by Mikey Musumeci
I’m here today again with the 3x black belt world champion, Mikey Musumeci. Mikey is the most amazing Reverse DLR player there is today and he is going to show us one the simple and best Reverse DLR sweeps there is.
How To Pass The De La Riva Guard by Vinicius Ferreira "Trator"
Today I am here with a good friend of mine, Vinicius Ferreira “Trator.” Trator is a brown belt under Fabio Gurgle who train in Allaince, Sao Paulo which is where I trained for many years. He is a brown belt world champion in adult IBJJF and he is also a purple belt world champion, adult […]
How To Pass The De La Riva Guard by Vinicius Ferreira “Trator”
Today I am here with a good friend of mine, Vinicius Ferreira “Trator.” Trator is a brown belt under Fabio Gurgle who train in Allaince, Sao Paulo which is where I trained for many years. He is a brown belt world champion in adult IBJJF and he is also a purple belt world champion, adult […]