meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Today I am here with a good friend of mine, Vinicius Ferreira “Trator.”  Trator is a brown belt under Fabio Gurgle who train in Allaince, Sao Paulo which is where I trained for many years.  He is a brown belt world champion in adult IBJJF and he is also a purple belt world champion, adult IBJJF.  Trator is one of the nicest people I know and he is so tough.  He came to visit me at my new academy in Bedford, MA and I always love training with him.  Trator has some of the best passing I have ever seen so today I asked him to show us some of his favorite passes.  He is going to show us a really technical way to pass the De La Riva guard.  So let’s take a look at the video below and then I will do a breakdown.

Breakdown of How To Pass The De La Riva Guard by Vinicius Ferreira “Trator”:

SO as you can see in the video above there are a lot of details that Trator uses to pass the De La Riva guard.  The DLR guard is one of the most popular positions that we see today and one of the most common questions I get asked is how to pass this guard.  So many of the young and flexible guard players use this position and the way that Vinicius attacks this guard is great.

The first thing he does is get the good posture and work to get rid of the hook.  Once he does this he is going to screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-6-47-41-pm work to break the hook and then bring me to my side.  He uses the collar grip and does like a knee cut to bring me onto my side so that I no longer have the De La Riva Hook.

Once he has killed my hook and brought me into this knee cut position he already knows that I will put the knee shield in and he is ready for it.  So he is now going to bring me all the way to the other side and do like a folding pass.  He likes to finish the pass with the back step but from the folding pass there are many ways to finish.  Guys there are SO many details in this pass and it is very good.  I hope you like it and use it, OSS!
