You’ve Never Seen This Back Take From Single Leg X by Kaynan Duarte
Today I am here with Kaynan Duarte. Kaynan is very well known in the BJJ competition scene and winning everything. Today he is going to show us one amazing back take from single leg x.
Calf Lock From Reverse Half Guard by Aaron Benzrihem
Today I am here with Aaron Benzrihem. Aaron is a brown belt and great friend of mine who works at my academy in Bedford, MA. It is a pleasure for me to be here with him. Since I opened the school he moved here from Florida just to train here full time and work with […]
92 Double Sleeve Guard by Jay Wadsworth
Today I am here with Jay Wadsworth he teaches Jiu Jitsu in Jamestown, New York and he is also a police officer so he has an enormous amount of knowledge on self-defense as well. Jay has developed a system that has helped him go against bigger guys and people that like to pass on the […]