meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Should We Focus More On Gi Or No-Gi Training?

Today, I am going to talk about a very common question, should we focus more on gi or no-gi training? Some schools focus more on gi training, and other schools focus more on no-gi training. In my opinion, you should focus a little more on gi training. I’m going to explain why I feel this […]

A Trick For Sleeve Control From Closed Guard By Marcos Tinoco

Today, I am here with Marcos Tinoco. Marcos is going to show us a little trick for sleeve control from closed guard. In my opinion, Marcos has the best lasso guard game that I have ever seen. When Marcos plays lasso guard or any guard from the bottom, his sleeve control is so strong, that it is hard to […]

Should You Practice Your Guard Game Or Passing Game More?

Today, I am going to talk about a very common question people ask me a lot. The question is, should you practice your guard or passing game more? It’s a great question because everybody has their own styles, some prefer passing and some prefer the guard game. If I had to choose one to focus […]

Drills To Improve Your Spider Guard by Rehan Muttalib

Today, I am here with Rehan Muttalib. Rehan is going to show us some drills to improve your spider guard. He has a brown belt from Cobrinha and he moved to New York 6 months ago. Rehan has a really good spider guard. He was one of the main grapplers at Cobrinha’s academy and he has a […]

How To Ask The Higher Belts To Train

Today, I am going to talk about a topic that is very common in every school, and that is how to ask the higher belts to train. Should you call out higher belts to train or not? All schools are different, some schools have rules that lower belts can never ask the higher belts to […]

Sweep from Double Under Pass by Will Grundhauser

Today, it’s a pleasure to be here with Will Grundhauser. Will is going to show us a sweep from  double under pass. Will owns Grindhouse Academy, which is my first affiliate school in the U.S., located in Billings, Montana. He is a pioneer in MMA and jiu-jitsu in Montana and his school is producing a bunch […]
