How Much Should You Rest After A Tough Week Of Bjj Training?
Today I am going to talk about how much should you rest after a tough week of bjj training. This is a question I often hear when I travel to give jiu-jitsu seminars. What should we do after a really tough week of bjj training? Right now, I am preparing myself for the World’s next […]
Bjj Tournaments: Sometimes You Have Good Days, Sometimes You Have Bad Days
Today I am going to talk about bjj tournaments: sometimes you have good days, sometimes you have bad days. I want to share what I have learned competing in bjj tournaments throughout my career. Every time I compete, I keep this in mind and it helps me feel less nervous about competing. When we compete, […]
Did You Deserve The Belt Promotion?
Today, I want to talk about a question I hear a lot and that is, did you deserve the belt promotion? Many times after belt promotion ceremonies, I hear students questioning whether they deserved the new belt. Usually, it happens with the students who don’t have as much confidence or maybe they are shy. They […]
How To Improve Your Cardio When You Can Only Train BJJ 2x Per Week
Today, I am going to talk about how to improve your cardio when you can only train bjj 2x per week. This question was sent to me on my blog by Mark Horten from England. This is a great question, thank you Mark for the question. I previously made a video about how to improve […]
How To Ask The Higher Belts To Train
Today, I am going to talk about a topic that is very common in every school, and that is how to ask the higher belts to train. Should you call out higher belts to train or not? All schools are different, some schools have rules that lower belts can never ask the higher belts to […]
Should You Use Strength When You Are Training BJJ?
Today I am going to talk about should you use strength when you are training BJJ. This is a topic we talk about in jiujitsu all the time and that is, how much strength you are using during the rolls. We also discuss whether it’s good or not good to use strength during the rolls. […]