How To Do The Heel Hook By The Best Leglock/Footlock Grappler in The World – Dean Lister
Today, I am here with Dean Lister to learn how to do the heel hook and leg locks. In my opinion, Dean is the best leg lock and foot lock grappler in the history of jiu-jitsu. Dean has proven that leg locks and foot locks work in competitions. I have seen Dean tapping out the toughest […]
Sweep from Double Under Pass by Will Grundhauser
Today, it’s a pleasure to be here with Will Grundhauser. Will is going to show us a sweep from double under pass. Will owns Grindhouse Academy, which is my first affiliate school in the U.S., located in Billings, Montana. He is a pioneer in MMA and jiu-jitsu in Montana and his school is producing a bunch […]
Judo Grip Fighting for Jiu-Jitsu with Jimmy Pedro
I had the huge pleasure to visit Jimmy Pedro’s school in Wakefield, Massachusetts. Today, Jimmy is going to show us judo grip fighting for jiu-jitsu. Jimmy is the best judo competitor in U.S. history and also the best judo coach in U.S. history. Jimmy is a 4 times judo Olympian and U.S. judo team coach. […]
Lasso Sweep Going Straight To The Armbar by Marcos Tinoco
Today, I am here with Marcos Tinoco, who is going to show us his lasso guard sweep going straight to the armbar. Marcos, in my opinion, has the best lasso guard that I have ever seen and trained against. Every time I train with him and he sets up the lasso guard then I know […]
Should You Use Strength When You Are Training BJJ?
Today I am going to talk about should you use strength when you are training BJJ. This is a topic we talk about in jiujitsu all the time and that is, how much strength you are using during the rolls. We also discuss whether it’s good or not good to use strength during the rolls. […]
The Keys To Developing A Complete Passing Game
Today, I want to talk about the keys to developing a complete passing game. In my opinion, the most important thing to develop a complete passing game, is to train with different styles of guards every day. It is common to see someone training at a school and he’s always training with the same people. They play the same guards, maybe […]