meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Amazing Kneebar From The Knee Shields by Junny Ocasio

Today I am here with Junny Ocasio. He is one of the black belts from Murilo Santana and one of the intsructors from Unity BJJ in NYC. He is up and coming and doing so well so he is going to show us some awesome leg locks now.

Second Place In The Worlds 2017 – Thanks for the support and love

Dear BJJ Friends, Finally I’m ready to write something to you guys about this past weekend… After 1 year without competing, I took part in the Worlds Championship and I ended up in second place in my division (Super Heavy). This was not the result that I wanted, at this point of my career, after all […]

Bjj Tournaments: Sometimes You Have Good Days, Sometimes You Have Bad Days

Today I am going to talk about bjj tournaments: sometimes you have good days, sometimes you have bad days. I want to share what I have learned competing in bjj tournaments throughout my career. Every time I compete, I keep this in mind and it helps me feel less nervous about competing. When we compete, […]
