meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Today I am here again with my good friend Leonardo “Cacao” Saggioro,” it’s a huge pleasure for me to be here with him.  As you may have read last week, he is probably the guy that I have trained the most with in my life.  We both trained at the same gym and got all of our belts from white to black at the same academy under Ricardo Marx.  Like I was telling you guys last week  I remember I would do one roll with Leonardo then some other guy and after that again Leonardo. Leonardo has accomplished so much in Jiu Jitsu, he is an excellent competitor, he won the worlds as a purple belt at adult, got second as a brown, and just this year got second at black belt to Cobrihna in a close match. He also won the Brazilian Nationals at adult black belt like 2-3 times. Last time Leonardo and I were talking about the over-under and how he does it compared with how I do it.  Today Leonardo is going to give us his variation on the single leg half where he uses the pants grip.  It is very similar to how I play my half guard but since he is smaller there are some different detail, check out the video below and then I will talk about it.

Breakdown of Single Leg Half Guard Sweep Grabbing The Pants by Leonardo Saggioro:

Guys so as you can see from the video above, Leonardo is playing the single leg half very much like I do, This is probably my favorite sweep and guard to play today.  Leonardo does a lot of things very similar to how I do them, but he adds some very good details.
The single leg half is a great position to play, Leonardo likes to use the lapel through the legs a lot like I do and he uses his hook to throw me forward so that I have to base.  Normally I just come up when I have the leg but Leonardo does it a little bit differently.
Leonardo moves me a little bit more so that he can get my pants grip, now once he has the pants grip, he will come up.  If you can get the pants grip from this position, you should be able to sweep your opponent almost everytime, sometimes it can be hard but the way Leonardo showed above is an awesome way to get the pants.
Anyways guys I really hope you enjoyed this technique, try it out and see how it works for you! screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-6-47-41-pmAlso don’t forget to download my FREE E-Book! This is a great tool to help all you guys succeed, I get a lot of questions from people and I try to address a lot of things in this E-Book!
Also, if you want to see my take on the single leg half, check out my DVD Set “Battle Tested half Guard!”
