meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Today we are going to see how to get out of the one leg x-guard by Isaque Bahiense. He is 21 years old and the new promising star from Alliance in Sao Paulo. He recently received his black belt from Fabio Gurgel. Last year he won the Worlds as a brown belt in the middleweight division and he got second in the open class. As a black belt, he has already won many competitions, including the Copa Podia, where he tapped out a multiple times world champion. He recently competed in the PanAms where he lost in the finals.
One of the most impressive things about him is his ability to escape from any position. Every time I watch him train or compete I notice how he escapes from his opponent’s best positions such as the half guard, x-guard or one leg x-guard.
The one leg x-guard is a very effective position. It enables you to control bigger, heavier opponents. There are many sweeps and attacks from the one leg x-guard. You can also transition to the full x-guard, which creates more options to attack and sweep your opponent.
In my opinion, the one leg x-guard is one of the hardest positions to escape from. When I compete or train and I get stuck in it, I feel like I will get swept. For this reason, I prefer to pass my opponent’s guard on my knees.
Therefore, it’s important to be prepared to escape when you are caught in this position. In a previous video Isaque showed us an excellent way to get out of the x-guard. Today he’ll show us his favorite technique to escape from the one leg x-guard.
Let’s see how he does it.
When he is stuck in the one leg x-guard, he controls his opponent’s sleeve and he grips the foot that is on his hip. He also uses his knee to put pressure on his opponent’s stomach. His opponent usually responds to this pressure by trying to stretch him out using the foot that is on Isaque’s hip. When his opponent tries to stretch him out, he takes his opponent’s foot off his hip.
Then he closes his knee onto his opponent’s chest and he posts his hand on the mat. He takes a big backstep to clear the hook that is under his knee. However, when he backsteps he doesn’t put his hip on the mat. This is a very important detail because if he puts his hip on the mat then his opponent can come up and get on top.
Next, he drops his knee to pass the guard and establish side control.
I really like this young man. I know his personal story and it’s very inspirational. Isaque moved to Sao Paulo when he was 18 years old and he didn’t have anything. He grew up in a very bad neighborhood in Brazil. He has decided to dedicate his life to jiu-jitsu.
I remember 2 years ago when he came to train at Marcelo Garcia’s Academy in New York City. He rolled against all the toughest guys at the academy one after the other. I knew at that time that he had a special talent and that he would become someone special in BJJ.
I’m very proud of him. It’s great to see him doing so well on the competition circuit. However, more importantly it’s great to see the person he has become.

Here is the breakdown of the key points on how to get out of the one leg x-guard by Isaque Bahiense:

  1. He controls the sleeve and he grips his opponent’s foot that is on his hip.
  2. He uses his knee to put pressure on his opponent’s stomach.
  3. When his opponent tries to stretch him out Isaque takes the foot off his hip.
  4. Now he closes his knee and posts his hand on the mat. Then he makes a big backstep to clear the hook. He makes sure not to let his hip on the mat because if he does then his opponent will come up.
  5. To finish the pass, he drops his knee to the mat and establishes side control.

I hope you enjoyed the video. Oss.
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