meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

It’s a pretty simple topic, but despite seeming a little silly, it can be very useful. If you properly know how to fold your gi, you always have room to place your Gi in your bag when you are traveling.  When I lived in Brazil, I would fold my Gi this way and not even have to use a bag when going to and from the gym. Your wife or girlfriend might thank you too, because how often do you leave a bag with a stinky Gi inside some where in your house. I have a solution to these problems- a special way to fold my gi, that it makes my gi become very small and easy to carry.
I travel a lot for seminars and most of the time, I only bring my carry on bag. I learned that properly folding the Gi was very important for me because now I always have room in my bag for my clothes, computer, and whatever else I need.  In the video below I show how to fold the gi, in a very easy and fast way.
I know its not the kind of topic that may help you change your BJJ game but, I think it can be helpful for many of you guys. Thank you some much for your continued support!
I hope you guys enjoy it.

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