The Catch Wrestling Cradle Sequence By Neil Melanson
Today we are going to see the Catch wrestling cradle sequence by Neil Melanson. He is one of the most respected MMA grappling coaches in the world. He is the head coach for the Blackzilians team based in Boca Raton, Florida. Neil has taught some of the biggest names in MMA including Randy Couture, Dominick Cruz, […]
The Best Way Visit BJJ Schools By John Nelson
Today we are going to get advice on the best way to visit BJJ schools by John Nelson. I just completed a seminar here at Alliance Jiu-Jitsu Pennsylvania, where John is a black belt and an instructor. He is 47 years old and he works as a salesman. This job allows him to travel all […]
The Best Knee Cut Pass By Lucas Lepri
Today we are going to see the best knee cut pass by Lucas Lepri. I am at his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Fitness Academy located in Charlotte, North Carolina. I came here to train with him to prepare for the Worlds 2017 tournament. In my opinion, Lucas is probably the best light-weight competitor in the history […]
Should Beginner And Advanced Grapplers Train In The Same Class
Today I am going to address the question should beginner and advanced grapplers train in the same class. I received this question from Mike Check. He has a small jiu-jitsu academy. He wants to know how to make the classes beneficial for both the newer students and the more experienced grapplers. In my opinion, it can […]
The Best Way To Get Out Of The X-Guard By Isaque Bahiense
Today we are going to see the best way to get out of the x-guard by Isaque Bahiense. He is 21 years old and the new promising star from Alliance in Sao Paulo. He recently received his black belt from Fabio Gurgel. Last year he won the Worlds as a brown belt in the middleweight […]
He Started BJJ 6 Months Ago And He Feels That He Is Not Getting Any Better
Keith Thompson wrote me saying he started BJJ 6 months ago and he feels that he is not getting any better. He asks if I have any advice to help him progress faster. He says there are days when he gets beat up by everybody in the gym. However, other days his game seems to click and he […]