meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Interview/Conversation With My PT & Physical Conditioning Coach Kevin Paretti

Check out this awesome conversation that I had with my PT and S&C coach Mr. KP. We talk about some off my own experiences working with him as well as some general advice for both the avid Jiu-Jitsu competitor training for the World Championships as well as the hobby BJJ player. Hope you guys enjoy!!!! […]

Interview/Conversation With My PT & Physical Conditioning Coach Kevin Paretti

Check out this awesome conversation that I had with my PT and S&C coach Mr. KP. We talk about some off my own experiences working with him as well as some general advice for both the avid Jiu-Jitsu competitor training for the World Championships as well as the hobby BJJ player. Hope you guys enjoy!!!! […]
