meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

How Much Should You Rest After A Tough Week Of Bjj Training?

Today I am going to talk about how much should you rest after a tough week of bjj training. This is a question I often hear when I travel to give jiu-jitsu seminars. What should we do after a really tough week of bjj training? Right now, I am preparing myself for the World’s next […]

How To Improve Your Cardio When You Can Only Train BJJ 2x Per Week

Today, I am going to talk about how to improve your cardio when you can only train bjj 2x per week. This question was sent to me on my blog by Mark Horten from England. This is a great question, thank you Mark for the question. I previously made a video about how to improve […]

Physical Conditioning For BJJ – Should You Do It Or Not?

Today I am going to talk about physical conditioning for jiujitsu. I hear a lot of people talking about this subject, saying you should do this or don’t do that. I believe this subject is very personal. For example, Marcelo Garcia didn’t do physical conditioning throughout his entire career and it worked for him. In […]

Interview/Conversation With My PT & Physical Conditioning Coach Kevin Paretti

Check out this awesome conversation that I had with my PT and S&C coach Mr. KP. We talk about some off my own experiences working with him as well as some general advice for both the avid Jiu-Jitsu competitor training for the World Championships as well as the hobby BJJ player. Hope you guys enjoy!!!! […]

Interview/Conversation With My PT & Physical Conditioning Coach Kevin Paretti

Check out this awesome conversation that I had with my PT and S&C coach Mr. KP. We talk about some off my own experiences working with him as well as some general advice for both the avid Jiu-Jitsu competitor training for the World Championships as well as the hobby BJJ player. Hope you guys enjoy!!!! […]
