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Very Interesting Way To Pass The BJJ Half Guard No Gi by Paul Schreiner

Today I am here with a good friend of mine and someone I taught alongside for 3 years at the Marcelo Garcia Academy in NYC, Paul Schreiner. Paul is one of the best instructors I have ever seen and he is amazing at breaking everything down. Today he is going to show us one very […]

How Long It Takes To Get The Black Belt In Jiu Jitsu

Guys today I am going to talk to you about one thing I always hear people talking about a lot.  This is something I hear especially when people just start Jiu Jitsu. They start doing Jiu Jitsu thinking about how long is it going to take to get a black belt. Today I want to […]

The Keys To Developing A Complete Passing Game

Today, I want to talk about the keys to developing a complete passing game. In my opinion, the most important thing to develop a complete passing game, is to train with different styles of guards every day. It is common to see someone training at a school and he’s always training with the same people. They play the same guards, maybe […]
