Making Smart Decisions From Headquarters with Nick Salles and Danny Maira
Today I am here with my good friends Nick Salles and Danny Maira and we are going to discuss how to make decisions from one of the most important passing positions in BJJ.
Very Interesting Way To Pass The BJJ Half Guard No Gi by Paul Schreiner
Today I am here with a good friend of mine and someone I taught alongside for 3 years at the Marcelo Garcia Academy in NYC, Paul Schreiner. Paul is one of the best instructors I have ever seen and he is amazing at breaking everything down. Today he is going to show us one very […]
How Long It Takes To Get The Black Belt In Jiu Jitsu
Guys today I am going to talk to you about one thing I always hear people talking about a lot. This is something I hear especially when people just start Jiu Jitsu. They start doing Jiu Jitsu thinking about how long is it going to take to get a black belt. Today I want to […]
The Keys To Developing A Complete Passing Game
Today, I want to talk about the keys to developing a complete passing game. In my opinion, the most important thing to develop a complete passing game, is to train with different styles of guards every day. It is common to see someone training at a school and he’s always training with the same people. They play the same guards, maybe […]