Overhook and Underhook Attacks from Closed Guard with Magid Hage
Today I am here again with Magid Hage and he is going to be showing us some amazing over hook and under hook attacks from the closed guard so let’s see below.
Tricky Back Take from Half Guard with Magid Hage
Today I am here with Magid Hage, Magid has been competing at the highest level for a long time and has recently been winning more and more. Today he is going to show us one amazing back take from half guard so let’s see below.
The 4 Gs Showing Their Favorite Moves To You (The Grill Cooper, Glover, Gorila Hands, and The Greek)
Today I am here with the “4 G’s.” We have Jeff Glover, Bill Cooper, Magid Hade, and Pete Letsos. They are all AMAZING bjj competitors and instructors and they are going to show us some amazing techniques.