What Makes Situp Guard a Great Position – Fabio Gurgel
Today I am here with Fabio Gurgel and I am super excited about this video! Fabio was one of my coaches and he is a multiple time black belt world champion. Not only that, he has also produced so many of the best athletes in the world, Marcelo Garcia, Bruno Malfacine and so many more! […]
The Coolest Jiu Jitsu Technique I Learned From Fabio Gurgel
Today I wanted to show you guys the coolest technique that my instructor Fabio Gurgel showed me years ago. Fabio is a multiple time world champion and head coach at Alliance. He has coahced so many champions like myself, Marcelo Garcia, Bruno Malfacine and more.
The Best Armbar From Side Control by Fabio Gurgel
Guys today I am here with someone that is very special to me, he was my coach and he is the head coach of Alliance, Fabio Gurgel. Fabio is the winningest bjj coach on the planet with over 10 black belt world champions under his belt and 12 team world titles. Today he is going […]
Should Beginner And Advanced Grapplers Train In The Same Class
Today I am going to address the question should beginner and advanced grapplers train in the same class. I received this question from Mike Check. He has a small jiu-jitsu academy. He wants to know how to make the classes beneficial for both the newer students and the more experienced grapplers. In my opinion, it can […]