Older Grappler This Is For You
If you are an older grappler this is for you. Today I am here with Pat Worley. He got his black belt from Damian Hirtz at Alliance Minnesota located in Edina. Pat is 68 years old now. He started training jiu-jitsu when he was 54 years old. Also he is a 10th dan black belt in karate. He won […]
What To Do When You Are Injured And Can't Train BJJ
Today I am going to talk about what to do when you are injured and can’t train BJJ. I received this question from Mariah Shidell, who wants to know what she can do to prevent falling behind in BJJ when she is out because of an injury. Thank you for the great question Mariah. This […]
What To Do When You Are Injured And Can’t Train BJJ
Today I am going to talk about what to do when you are injured and can’t train BJJ. I received this question from Mariah Shidell, who wants to know what she can do to prevent falling behind in BJJ when she is out because of an injury. Thank you for the great question Mariah. This […]
How To Improve Your Cardio When You Can Only Train BJJ 2x Per Week
Today, I am going to talk about how to improve your cardio when you can only train bjj 2x per week. This question was sent to me on my blog by Mark Horten from England. This is a great question, thank you Mark for the question. I previously made a video about how to improve […]
Should You Use Strength When You Are Training BJJ?
Today I am going to talk about should you use strength when you are training BJJ. This is a topic we talk about in jiujitsu all the time and that is, how much strength you are using during the rolls. We also discuss whether it’s good or not good to use strength during the rolls. […]
Physical Conditioning For BJJ – Should You Do It Or Not?
Today I am going to talk about physical conditioning for jiujitsu. I hear a lot of people talking about this subject, saying you should do this or don’t do that. I believe this subject is very personal. For example, Marcelo Garcia didn’t do physical conditioning throughout his entire career and it worked for him. In […]