meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Hey guys, today I am here with my friend, Josh Roth.  Josh is a black belt and he has his own school in Jamestown, New York. He is also a police officer and an amazing athlete, he actually played in the NFL in 2001.  Josh also got third place at the Black Belt Masters Worlds, so he is an extremely high-level guy.  Today he is going to show us one of his favorite position.  He is going to show us a sweep when you are getting smashed in the half guard, so it happens when the guys trying to knee cut and he already has an under hook.  Let’s check it out below and then I will break it down!

Breakdown of Josh Roth’s Sweep While Getting Smashed in the Half Guard:

So guys this is a very basic and fundamental sweep.  IT is very important for anybody who wants to play the half guard to learn this sweep.  Sometimes when you play the half guard your opponent can get the under hook and start to knee cut you.  This can be a very big problem unless you have a solution.
Josh does this sweep very well, and he goes into all the details good.  Three of the most important things that he does was that he grabbed my pants before I could grab his sleeve grip, he switched the way he locked his legs so that he could trap my foot, and then he went slowly until his hips were under my hips.
What is going to allow you to get the sweep is the small adjustments made so that you can get your hip under their hip.  Hips are so important in Jiu Jitsu and when you do all the details, you will be able to do this sweep!
Anyways guys I hope you like this position, it is very good, effective, and useful!  screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-6-47-41-pmAlso don’t forget to download my FREE E-Book!   This can really help you develop your bjj! Also, if you want to see some of the ways that I stop the under hook from half guard check out my DVD Set “Battle Tested Half Guard.” Oss!
