Today I am here with a good friend of mine Lucas Valle. Lucas is a very tough black belt who is young and competing a lot. He just won the Boston Open at his weight division and he did the Fight To Win Pro recently and also won his fight there against a very tough opponent. Lucas is an instructor in New Hampshire and comes down to my academy in MA 2-3 times a week to train. I always roll with Lucas and I can tell you that he is very high level. Today he is going to show us one sweep from the deep half guard. It is a waiter sweep and it is very good, check it out below and then I will do some breakdown.
Breakdown Waiter Sweep From Deep Half Guard by Lucas Valle:
So guys as you can see in the video above this is a waiter sweep. Lucas has some very good details here from start to finish. One of the things I really like is when he is pulling me into the deep half he is pushing on my gi to bring my weight forward. This makes it easy for him to get underneath.
Once he is able to secure the deep half he will grab my lapel and start to move his hips side to side so that he will be able to grab my leg. Once he secure my leg he will lift his hips and get into the waiter sweep position also controlling my sleeve.
Something that is very important here is to see how he is able to get my leg for the waiter sweep and then how he is able to control my sleeve. This is not my game but I know the waiter sweep works really well from here. anyways guys I hope you like this and try it out! Oss!