Today I am here with a friend of mine, Todd Williams and Lindsey, Todd is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt and he is also a 2x Olympian in Track and Field. Todd has a passion for both bjj and running because he was in the Olympics twice and he put his two passions together and came up with his website Todd is on a mission to help keep people who are going on runs safe. Many people do not realize that everyday women that go for a jog are robbed, kidnapped, and involved in crimes. Todd wants to help change this. Todd has a very cool program it has helped women all across the US. So let’s take a look at some of his techniques below and then I will discuss it.
So guys this is a very cool thing that Todd is doing. I know that normally I post things for bjj competitions and techniques, but it is important to remember that self-defense is a big part of bjj. I really like that Todd came up with something so specific, and I like that it is something he is a passionate about.
One of the things that Todd said in the video is important for anyone in any self-defense situation. When he tells Lindsey to scream someone’s name, I think this is a simple thing that can really scare an attacker off because they might expect someone to come help her.
Even if you are a guy walking home and a group of muggers comes to attack you and steal your stuff, if you just start screaming someone’s name, they might think that you are with friends and just leave. Most of these criminals do not want to get caught and they are bullies. IF you just become the attacker like Todd says, it can save your life.
Anyways guys, I know this is different but if you know someone who likes to go on jogs and does not train tell them to check out his program, Check it out.