Today, I am here with Marcos Tinoco, who is going to show us his lasso guard sweep going straight to the armbar. Marcos, in my opinion, has the best lasso guard that I have ever seen and trained against. Every time I train with him and he sets up the lasso guard then I know it will be really hard to get out. Marcos has one position he does where he sweeps the opponent then he goes right away to the armbar. I have seen Marcos do this a bunch of times in tournaments and he was always successful with this technique.
Marcos received his black belt from Marcelo Garcia almost 2 years ago. In a very short time as a black belt, Marcos has gotten 3rd place in the Open and 3rd place in the World’s. He also won the European 2 months ago in the middle-weight division. Marcos has super high level jiujitsu. As a brown-belt, Marcos won the World’s. He also got 2nd place in the open class at the World’s as a purple belt.
As I mentioned, Marcos has the best lasso guard I have seen and its always tough to train with him because he does the lasso guard so well.
Today, Marcos is going to show us how he does the lasso guard and he’s going to show us the sweep he uses to go straight to the armbar. So, let’s see how he does it.
Breakdown of key points of the lasso sweep:
1. The first thing Marcos does is focus on controlling both sleeves of his opponent.
2. Most people playing the lasso guard will place one foot on the mat, hip escape and swing their leg over into the lasso guard. Then they will place their outside leg on the side of their opponent’s hip. However, Marcos likes to place his foot between his opponent’s legs.
3. Once Marcos has placed his foot between his opponent’s legs, he will then square up his hips and put his back on the mat and stretch his leg to break his opponent’s posture.
4. Once his opponent’s posture has been broken down, Marcos sits up and gets an under-hook with a strong base. He sweeps his opponent over and now the secret is that he keeps his leg right there and he lets go of the arm and scoots his hips forward and grabs the other arm. Next, he triangles his legs around his opponent’s arm and he ends up with a very tight armbar.
I think Marcos does this position so well, because most of the time when you see people playing lasso guard, they just throw their leg over the opponent’s arm and it’s kind of loose and I can move around. However, when Marcos does it, he goes so deep with his leg between my legs that I get completely stuck. I have nowhere to move and it’s even hard to stand up. So, when Marcos squares up his hips and puts his back on the mat, I am completely without any base. Then, Marcos just needs to sit up and get the under-hook and finish the sweep straight into the armbar.
I have seen Marcos get this armbar (Click Here to check out the coolest submission of the Worlds 2015 also by Marcos Tinoco) in tournaments, more than 20 times, so it is one of his best moves.
My thanks to Marcos, the 2017 European middle-weight black belt champion and my bet to win the World’s as well. Oss.