meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Guys today I am here with my good friend Matheus Gonzaga.  Matheus is one of the team members at my new academy The Bernardo Faria Academy in Bedford, MA.  Matheus won the worlds at adult as a purple belt at one of the toughest weight categories in the world, light feather.  Purple belt is one of the toughest belts to win the world at because the division can have up to like 200 people.  Matheus has also won many adult IBJJF tournaments at brown belt and he is now a black belt.
I am very excited to have him representing here at my school because he has very different Jiu Jitsu from mine.  He is lighter feather and plays many open guards and does a lot of standing and passes.  This is good for my school because maybe the smaller guys may like his game more.  When he won the worlds he played the top position a lot, today he is going to show us one of his favorite passes against the spider guard.  Let’s have a look and then I will break down.

Breakdown of Killing the Spider Guard by Matheus Gonzaga:

So guys as you can see in the video above, the first things that Matheus does is close his elbows and make some distance.  This is because if he does not create some distance the guy can start to do all of his attacks and make it difficult for Matheus to pass.
Once Matheus is able to get away and have a standing posture he will close his elbow and throwscreen-shot-2016-12-01-at-6-47-41-pm   the guys leg to the side to do a toreando pass.  Matheus does not just stop on the side that he is passing; he goes all the way to the other side or to the north south.  He also does something very important with his hands, he makes like an X so that I can’t bring my knee back.
Matheus is a very good friend of mine and I could not be happier to have him as an instructor.  I hope you guys liked his technique and get a chance to visit my Bernardo Faria Academy in the Bedford, MA area! Oss!
matheus gonzaga
