meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Guys today I have a very special guest for you, I am here with John Danaher.  John is probably the most popularscreen-shot-2016-12-01-at-6-47-41-pm   instructor in the entire world, he is the best-selling instructor on BJJ Fanatics and he has taught some of the best athletes in the world.  John is one of George St Pierre’s coaches, he has coach Gordon Ryan, Garry Tonon and many other popular guys.
I have learned so much from his instructional videos and the way that he teaches is excellent.  John always breaks things down into a systematic approach and this makes the learning part easy.  I have even started to implement the same teaching strategies.
For example, when I teach passing now I break down into three systems, approach, passing and establishing.  John is always making things very easy to learn.  Check out his video below on the high elbow guillotine and then I will talk about it.

Breakdown of The High Elbow Guillotine by John Danaher:

So guys as you can see in the video above, John leaves out no details.  I can’t even do much breakdown because he literally talks so well about everything.  One thing I would like to share with you guys is the feeling I have as John demonstrates.
John is very tight on his initial lock on my chin and when he actually gets the elbow over my shoulder, it feels like I have no where to go.  One detail he talks about that is amazing is when he discusses touching his elbow to his knee.
Touching your elbow to your knee is going to help so much when you try and apply this guillotine.  Marcelo is very good at this position and it is something that works really well, anyways guys I hope you enjoyed, OSS!
