meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Today I am here with my friend Mau Mau and I wanted to share with you the most dangerous position in bjj.  There may be some things that are more dangerous but this is definitely one of the most dangerous positions.  I will share the video below and then I will do some breakdown.

Breakdown of The Most Dangerous Position in BJJ:

So guys as you can see this is one of the more popular situations that a lot of us get into and I think this is also what makes this dangerous.  So many people are doing single legs the wrong way with the head on the outside.
It it very easy to make this mistake.  If you are doing the single leg takedown you have to remember to keep the  head on the inside.  This throw we used to call in Brazil the bury, like you are going to make someones head hit screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-6-47-41-pm the mat as hard as possible.
The danger with this position is what can happen to your neck, I have seen some very very bad injuries occur from this position, somethings that I don’t even want to say.  So if  you get into the single leg please please be careful and keep the head on the inside!
