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Today I am here with my good friend and multiple time Black Belt World Champion, Lucas Lepri.  Lucas and I have trained together for a long time and he is one of my great friends.  Lucas was the only person to win the black belt world championships without anyone scoring a point on him. Lucas is able to do this because he has incredible base and he is one of the hardest people in the world to sweep.  So today I asked him to show us some of the concepts he uses for having great base. Lets see below and then I will do some breakdown.

Breakdown of Concepts About Balance & Base With The Best On It – Lucas Lepri:

So guys as you can see in the video above Lucas applies a lot of concepts to his game so that he can have this incredible base.  One of the main things that he is doing is that he is not super tight and he likes to play a very reactionary game.
Lucas is like a counter fighter and he is able to counter many of the things that his opponent wants to do.  This is something that takes a lot of practice and timing.  Lucas is also one step ahead because he puts people in positions where he can predict their next movement.
This is much like when I do the over under and people give me certain reactions.  I know a lot about what they are trying to do.  Anyways guys, I hope this makes sense and you enjoyed this video! Oss!
