meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Hey guys today I am here with my good friend Chris Yonkers.  Chris is a black belt and he trains with me here at my academy. Chris is one of the nicest guys and he has a great passing game.  He is always rolling with all of the younger guys and doing well and he is super tough.  Today I asked Chris to show us one of his favorite passes and it is very complex but very good.

Breakdown of A Complex Butterfly Guard Pass But Very Efficient by Chris Yonkers:

So guys as you can see above this is a very complex pass but it is very good and Chris gave us some very good details.  One of the first things that he did and you may have missed is get the double under hooks.  This is very important because whenever you are going against someone playing butterfly you need under hooks.
If you only have 1 under hook sometimes it can be enough but if you have both this is very good.  Once Chris is screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-6-47-41-pm able to get these shallow under hook he is going to attempt to clear one of the butterfly hook, he does this by falling on his hip.  He gave a good detail when he mentioned it is hard to just kick back so instead he falls to his hip.
After he has the under hooks and the hooks cleared Chris is going to relax and wait for his opponent to give him some reaction so that he ca do something.  The most common thing he sees them do is try to lift him on their leg and when they do he is expecting it and he switches his hip.  Guys this is a great pass and I hope you all enjoyed, Ossssssssssss.
