meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Today I am here with Roberto Jimenez.  Roberto is a brown belt and he is a very talented and incredible guy.  Roberto did something that no one has ever done in competition before. His first year in the adult division he was able to win his weight and the open weight division at purple belt adult IBJJF Worlds.  Not only did Roberto win, he was also able to get 10 submissions and he had 10 fights total.  That’s right, he submitted everyone.  Today I asked him to show one technique so he is going to show us below and then I will do some breakdown.

Breakdown of How To Do The Collar Drag Attacking The Back And Choking by Roberto Jimenez:

So guys as you can see above Roberto is very technical.  He is able to show a lot of important details on a position that some people may thing is a little basic.  Basically, he is going to let them get the grip, break it and control the cross collar and the sleeve.
Once he gets the grips he does a drag and he gets into almost like a single leg, from the single leg he is going toscreen-shot-2016-12-01-at-6-47-41-pm     come up and secure the collar.  Once here he is going to switch sides.  Guys one thing that is very important here is how Roberto is able to switch sides and how he uses his first hook to take me down.
Once he gets the first hook in he backs up and I am carrying all of his weight.  From this position he will secure my back and as he said you can get the points or you can go for the finish.  Roberto likes to finish.  Anyways guys I hope you like this technique, oss!
