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Guys today is going to be a little bit different, I am going to show you guys how to do a simple and effective workout from home using just one kettlebell. I did not meet my physical conditioning coach, KP until 2013 and I had already competed and won the worlds as a black belt.  KP was amazing for me and helped me to get the double gold in 2015, a physical conditioning coach can help you exceed your own limits.
That being said, I know for you guys that not everyone is able to have a physical conditioning coach.  Another problem with physical conditioning is the fact that going to the gym can be very tough.  Some people have jobs, kids, school, and other responsibilities.  SO, it is not realistic to think that someone will be able to train bjj and go to work and workout.  Something simple that you can do is a kettlebell workout.
Kettlebells are my favorite workout to do by myself and I can get a good workout in 15 minutes in my home.  screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-6-47-41-pm   Today I am going to show you something simple to do using only one kettlebell.  I don’t think that you need more than one to do a good workout.  So many people have a lot of kettlebells and this is not a bad thing but they are not cheap.  I have this kettlebell and have worked out a bunch in my home with it.
Anyways guys, let’s take a look at the video below where I show you this workout and I hope you like it.  Also if you have not already, download my FREE E-book.  I get so many messages and questions at the seminars about things that I talk about in it! OSS!
