meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

One of my favorite techniques in no-gi is the Armdrag. I love to do armdrags from the standing and also from the ground.
For this blog post I made a video showing how to do the armdrag from the butterfly. Even though the butterfly guard is not my favorite position, I believe that for no-gi, everyone should know at least enough about the Butterfly, because in no-gi we don’t have grips, therefore it is harder to control our opponent.
Every time the fighter on top disengages and walks back, probably the fighter on bottom will end up in the Butterfly, so that’s why I believe that the butterfly is really one of the most important positions in no-gi. Everyone should know at least one technique such as the armdrag from the butterfly guard to have a complete game.
I like the Armdrag, because as we saw in some previous blog posts: the armdrag from standing and the color drag are two of my favorite techniques, so to transfer it to the Butterfly is not a tough task.
If you know how to do some good armdrags from any type of position, it will be much easier for you to do armdrags from other situations too.
Here below is the video where I teach how to do the Armdrag from the Butterfly Guard. I hope you guys enjoy it.

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