meta Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Guys today I am here with an extremely high level and world class wrestler, Tony Tolbert.   Tony is one of the top wrestlers in the country and he is a very good instructor.  We were filming one instructional with him and I asked him to show us a technique that can be used in bjj too.  He showed me something really cool, it is a 2 on 1 control and then an ankle pick.  Guys super cool because my old friend and teacher, Marcelo Garcia loves this grip so much and he loves the ankle pick so this works very well in bjj too.  Check it out below!

Breakdown of 2 on 1 with Ankle Pick by Tony Tolbert:

So guys as you can see, this translates very well to both gi and no gi bjj.  The grip, the of the most powerful grips in bjj.  Like I said above, Marcelo Garcia has a whole guard system with just this grip.
Basically this grip can be used from almost any guard, half guard, butterfly, de la riva, closed guard, etc.  Here
Tony is showing us how to use this grip from the standing position.
Notice that he is able to get the grip and then starts circling, this is to create a reaction.  Getting the grip is the hard part, after you get it you have to see what your opponent does.  Here he is able to keep walking till he has the good angle to be able to get the ankle.
Once he gets the ankle pick it is almost impossible to stay up.  One great detail he shows us here is how he bring my arm low to kill my posture and off balance me.  Oss guys, enjoy!
