Premier BJJ Training in Bedford, MA | Bernardo Faria Academy

Hey guys todays blog is going to be a little different because I am going to share my favorite quote with you and tell you a little about my training philosophy.  The quote is this “In bjj technique beats strength but will beats technique.”
I can’t think of a quote that is more true.  Let me tell you a little bit about my philosophy training for the competitions.  As many of you know, I never believed that I was athletic, strong, super smart, and very technical even.  I was always the guy that could not do a cartwheel.
I always saw that the athletes did well, the technicians did great, but the guys who won the most were the ones screen-shot-2016-12-01-at-6-47-41-pm who never gave up, no matter what.  The guys that were super tough and never quit.  even in training I noticed at an early stage if I rolled with technical guys maybe it was tough, if they were strong, could be tough, but when the guy had will and determination, those were the guys that gave me the toughest rolls.
When the guys did not want to lose and went hard and where determined these guys succeeded.  In my career I trained with some of the best as I came up and all of the people who went on to win world championships had will.  They did not like to lose, they trained harder than everyone in the room and they never ever gave up.  So that is my message to you today, check out the video below where I talk more on this! Oss


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